Good News for the Alphabet Kids



I have seen many children benefiting fro the biomedical approach, as proposed by Michael Sichel in his book and it is a great pleasure and a source of satisfaction to see the results.

Parents and practitioners treating children with developmental discovers need to read this book.

Dr Joachim Fluhrer M.B.BS (Syd Uni), ND (Germany) FACNEM, Founder of Your Health clinics in Australia


  • ADHD drugs can be eliminated
  • new childhood disorders are related: ADD, Asperger, ADHD, autism, ODD
  • to identify and repair the causes of these ‘Autism Spectrum Disorders’
  • ADHD, RETTS, OCD, etc have become known as Autism Spectrum Disorders or ASD
  • the gut effects the brain in 80% of regressive ASD – and why
  • in 3,486 ASD children 47% improved by removing refined sugars
  • natural measles infection is good for healthy children
  • mild and bread cause ‘brain fog’ in 64% of 900 ASD children
  • natural chicken-pox give 60% less brain tumours and less shingles
  • fevers are a blessing in disguise
  • refined sugar is a serious immune system retardant
  • refined sugar cause hyperadrenalism/hyperactivity in many children
  • mercury, lead and arsenic (major causes) can be detected and removed
  • most natural infections protect for life but not so with vaccines
  • simple and safe natural child care works
  • it is illegal that parents are not told the serious downside of immunisation
  • hidden vaccine-generated immune damage can often be repaired





  • ADHD drugs can be eliminated
  • new childhood disorders are related: ADD, Asperger, ADHD, autism, ODD
  • to identify and repair the causes of these ‘Autism Spectrum Disorders’
  • ADHD, RETTS, OCD, etc have become known as Autism Spectrum Disorders or ASD
  • the gut effects the brain in 80% of regressive ASD – and why
  • in 3,486 ASD children 47% improved by removing refined sugars
  • natural measles infection is good for healthy children
  • mild and bread cause ‘brain fog’ in 64% of 900 ASD children
  • natural chicken-pox give 60% less brain tumours and less shingles
  • fevers are a blessing in disguise
  • refined sugar is a serious immune system retardant
  • refined sugar cause hyperadrenalism/hyperactivity in many children
  • mercury, lead and arsenic (major causes) can be detected and removed
  • most natural infections protect for life but not so with vaccines
  • simple and safe natural child care works
  • it is illegal that parents are not told the serious downside of immunisation
  • hidden vaccine-generated immune damage can often be repaired



Something amazing has really confirmed we were on the right path with your program.  J has stopped his 5 different asthma and allergy medications for the first time since he was 20 months old!  Just before we came to see you he was not sleeping with all the medication.  The first night of the chelating footpads and voila, he slept through the night for the first time in over 2 years.

Father (A surgeon); Mother (Special Education Director)



My 5 year old boy’s teacher was weeping when I picked Josh up from school.  She said “Joshua has joined in the singing and he’s playing with the other children!  What a wonderful change has come over him!”




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